Ключи к тестам

Тест 1

1.c 2.e 3.f 4.g 5.b 6.h 7.i 8.d 9.a 10.daily 11.worst 12.cancelations 13.infrequently 14.dangerous 15.known 16.accuracy 17.warning 18.unfortunately 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.A 26.D 27.because 28.Despite 29.thus 30.for instance 31.Hence 32.In fact 33.However 34. is going to be presented 35.will have been fixed 36.is thought 37.must be vaccinated 38. should have been advised 39. being sent 40. Being paid 41.To appreciate 42.having left 43.to inform 44.to be 45.to stay 46.c 47d 48a 49.d 50c

Тест 2

1 - c - c 2. -d - e 3. - f - b 4. -b - a 5. -a -d 6. -e -f 7.unity 8. diversity 9. educational 10. community 11. players 12. competition 13. excellence 14.except 15. risen 16. devise 17. data 18. explicit 19. efficient 20.Although 21. as soon as 22. as 23. On the other hand 24. unless 25.B 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.should be taken 31. has been added 32. are being developed 33. being informed 34. to have been painted 35. is believed 36. has been dealt with VII. 37.B 38. B 39.D 40.B 41.B42. C 43. A 44.C 45.A 46.may 47.can 48. must have 49. should 50. needn’t have

Тест 3

1.- c -d 2.- d - f 3.- f - a 4.- a - b 5. - b - c 6. - e - e 7. basically 8. professional 9. accustomed 10. commercial 11. determined 12. democratic 13. social 14. accept 15. stationary 16. personnel 17. advice 18.quite 19. adapt 20 Before 21. although 22. whereas 23. so 24 so that 25.D 26. C 27 C 28 C 29 B 30. is said 31. may be offered 32. will have been sold 33. were forbidden 34. been tested 35. be sent 36. has (just) been found 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. B 41. D 42. D 43. A 44 B 45 D 46. won’t have to 47. couldn’t 48. might have 49. must not 50. needn’t have

Тест 4

1.-d) 2. -a) 3.- e) 4.-g) 5.- h) 6. - c) 7. -f) 8. b) 9 communication 10. direct 11. intellectual 12. legally 13. effectively 14. organized 15. technologies 16. illiteracy 17. such as 18. In spite of 19. because of 20. In addition 21. in fact 22. nevertheless 23. are made 24. had not been developed 25. being written 26. must be taken 27. being examined 28 has 29. speak 30. having arrived 31. have arrived 32. had been living 33. were established 34. doesn’t mean 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. C 40. A 41. C 42. A 43.C 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. D 49.B 50. D

Тест 5

1. c -f 2. a-c 3. f-e 4. b-a 5. d-b 6. e-d 7. medium 8. edition 9. further 10.accept 11. effect 12. impressive 13. best 14.replaced 15. better 16. retirement 17. education 18. to find 19. enrolled 20. qualify 21. allowed 22. whereas 23. so that 24.due to 25. as well as 26. whose 27. In addition to 28. should 29. may 30.could not 31. need not 32. must 33. D 34. D 35. В 36. В 37. D 38. В 39. А 40. А 41.B 42. С 43. В 44. В 45. В 46. was invented 47. were made 48. has been replaced 49. is used 50. was

Тест 6

1.b-c 2.c-d 3.d-e 4.e-a 5.a-b 6.foreword 7.formally 8.principal 9.devise 10.chemist 11.inventor 12.ironically 13.to produce 14.effectiveness 15.totally 16.least 17.earned 18.b 19.e 20.21. d /c 22.a 23.have not been packed 24.had not been sold 25.will be launched 26.have been told 27.to have been given 28.being laughed 29.is thought 30.may 31.must 32.can 33.should 34.may, can 35.to follow 36.to be 37.trying 38.having reported 39.to have done 40.have left 41.doesn't come back 42.leave/should leave/left 43.had spent 44.didn't watch 45.therefore 46.At first 47.Although 48.Because of 49.i.e. 50.unless

Тест 7

1.c -d ; 2.d –e; 3.e –f; 4.a-h; 5.g-c ;6.b-a; 7.h-b; 8.f-g; 9.clearly 10.transformed 11.communication 12.According 13.domestically 14.impersonal 15.ability 16.corporate 17.dramatically 18.reliable 19.As far as 20.in particular 21.however 22.What’s more 23.namely 24.though 25.Once 26.whereas 27.A 28.C 29.A 30.A

31.C 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.were used 38.has been turned down 39.written 40.are supposed

41.is passed 42.having been finalized 43.is being monitored 44.be submitted 45.can 46.won’t 47.may 48.must 49.can’t have received 50.would

Тест 8

1. – e 2. – d 3. – g 4. – c 5. – h 6. – a 7. – b 8. – f 9. genetically 10.development 11.starvation 12.resistant 13.longer 14.unknown 15.harm 16.generations 17.surrounding 18.untold 19.human 20.Despite 21.so 22.Whenever 23.While 24.In order to 25.in order that 26.In addition 27.A 28.A 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.are influenced 38.to be taken up 39.being charged 40.to be reduced 41.having been selected 42.is thought 43.was done 44.was carried out 45.can 46.must 47.may 48.have to 49.can’t have 50.should



Список использованной литературы

1. Банкевич Л.В. English Through Eye and Ear. M. 1976.

2. Банкевич Л.В. Тесты.

3. Банкевич Л.В., Королева Л.А., Смирнова Л.В. Словарь общенаучной лексики английского языка. СПб., 1997.

4. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1996.

5. Михельсон Т.Н., Успенская Н.В. Как писать по-английски научные статьи, рефераты и рецензии. СПб., 1995.

6. Михельсон Т.Н., Успенская Н.В. Сборник упражнений по основным разделам грамматики английского языка. Л., 1989.

7. Пронина Р.Ф. Перевод английской научно-технической литературы. М., 1989.

8. Пумпянский А.Л. Упражнения по переводу английской научной и технической литературы. Минск, 1997.

9. Смирнова Л.Н. Курс английского языка для научных работников. Л., 1990.

10. Тер-Минасова С.Г., Фатющенко В.И. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. М., 1994.

11. Alexander L.G. Longman Advanced Grammar. UK, 1996.

12. Basic English for Science. Oxford, 1978.

13. Boekner K., Brown P. C. Oxford English for Computing. Oxford, 1994.

14. Gear J.Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. Cambridge, 2003.

15. King C.E., Stanly N.A. Building Skills for the TOEFL. Hong Kong, 1989.

16. McKeegan D. First Sertificate Pass-Key: Grammar Practice. Oxford, 1996.

17. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge, 1997.

18. Nelson S.M., Stanton A. The 1-st Certificate Course. Longman, 1997.

19. Oshima A., Hougue A. Writing Academic English. N.Y.: Longman, 1999.

20. Seidl J., McMordic W., English Idioms and How to Use Them. Moscow, 1983

21. Soars, John & Liz. Headway English Course: Workbook, (Advanced). UK, Oxford, 1995.

22. Soars, John & Liz. Headway English Course: Workbook, (Prerintermediate). UK, Oxford, 1993.

23. Soars, John & Liz. Headway English Course: Workbook, (Upperintermediate). UK, Oxford, 1995.

24. Soars, John & Liz. New Headway English Course: Workbook (Upperintermediate). UK, Oxford, 1998

[1] Этот раздел составлен на основе материалов учебника Oshima A. & Hozue A. Writing Academic English. 3-d ed. pp.82 – 90.