

Відкрийте Збірник вправ і виконайте Вправу 13

Таким чином, XIX ст. стало періодом справжнього національного відродження: зросла національна свідомість українців, значних успіхів досягла українська культура. Національно-визвольний рух, як у Наддніпрянській, так і в Західній Україні, пройшов шлях від культурно-просвітницького до політичного етапу.

Lecture 1.Theme and problems of ecological biotechnology, its significance in a modern society………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lectures 2-3.The basic characteristics of sewage. Household, industrial and agricultural flows, their structure and criteria of quality assessment………………………………………………….. …

Lectures 4-5.Types of operations in treatment facilities with the using of microorganisms…….

Lectures 6-7.The reactors used for aerobic sewage treatment. The scheme of work of homogeneous reactors…………………………………………………………………………………

Lectures 8-9.Management of work of final settling tank………………………………………….

Lectures 10-11.Usage of immobilized cells of microorganisms in aerotanks - displacers with the application of glass go-devil…………………………………………………………………………..

Lectures 12-13.Methane-tanks, the characteristic of processes of the fermentation proceeding in methane-tanks………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lectures 14-15.The characteristic of the industrial devices used for biological clearing of flows....

Lectures 16-17.The usage of sulfate-reducing bacteria in deposition of metals, conditions of their functioning……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Lectures 18-19.Clearing of industrial sewage from arsenic with the help of Pseudomonas putida cells, immobilized on plastic or wood shavings………………………………………………………

Lectures 20-21.Usage of microorganisms for bioabsorption of metals……………….. ……………

Lectures 22-24.Biological processing of industrial wastes of various manufactures. ………… .

Lectures 25-26.Usage of microorganisms - decomposers of hydrocarbons for sewage treatment of the oil refining enterprises and the soils polluted by oil……………………………………………….

Lectures 27-28.Role of mutual relations of plants with soil microorganisms in efficiency of toxycants' extraction…………………………………………………………………………………...

Lecture 29-30.Problems of safety application of the microorganisms received by gene- engineering methods, and some products of microbial synthesis……………………………………