Образование антонимов. Схемы словообразования

Антонимы многих слов в английском языке образуются путем добавления разных префиксов (приставок). Например: attractive – unattractive; advantage– disadvantage; polite – impolite; correct – incorrect; understand - misunderstand. Прилагательные, образованные от существительных с помощью суффикса less, обозначают отсутствие качества, на которые указывают исходные слова. Например, harmless «безвредный», т.е. не причиняющий никакого вреда. Некоторые способы словообразования проиллюстрированы на схеме.



unimaginative tasteless

¤ ½ \ / \

un- imagine -ative taste -less

| | | | |

to form root to form root to form adjective

the opposite word the adjective word meaning “without”

Упр.2.5.1. Заполните пропуски в следующем задании, предварительно образовав от приведенной в скобках основы нужную форму слова.

Пример: Artists are creative people. (create)


a. John is ___________________ hardworking. (extreme)

b. I did not like the food. I found it most _____________ .(please)

c. She was arrested because she was driving _____________ .(care)

d. It was very ________________ of him not to help you.(kind)

e. My wife likes the colour blue, but I find it _____________ . (attract)

f. He’s a lucky man. He’s been _______ married for eight years. (happy)

g. I bought a new car because the old one was so __________. (rely)

h. The dancer was superb. She gave a ____________ performance. (fault)

i. The passengers were frightened when the pilot flew _________ close to a building. (danger)

Упр.2.5.2. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов in-, im- и un- и запишите их в виде трех колонок в соответствии с использованным префиксом.

likely certain possible true valid
exact pure perfect equal usual
common visible practical suitable appropriate
direct able active stable convenient
plausible accurate complete reasonable significant
known even satisfactory favourable mistakable
pleasant friendly patient sane usable
contaminated identified sufficient determined flexible


in- im- un-
invalid impossible unlikely


Упр.2.5.3. Образуйте антонимы от предложенных слов с помощью соответствующего префикса.


___frequently, ___loyal, ___comfort, ___specific, ___real, ___probably, ___available, ___assemble, ___suitable, ___proper, ___fit, ___occupied, ___order, ___distinguished

Упр.2.5.4. Образуйте антонимы от предложенных слов с помощью префиксов, имеющих отрицательное значение (un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-, non-, mis-).

to connect to pronounce to arrange to agree to manage acceptable honest fatal competent honoured ferrous negotiable employed necessary legal regular applicable certified profitable active expensive informed effective agreement maturity stability

*Упр.2.5.5. Добавьте префикс или измените суффикс, чтобы образовать антонимы следующих прилагательных, глаголов и существительных:

to believe useful importance
to pack reliable efficiency
to like painful sense
to appear experienced material
to approve tidy probable
to lock mature responsible
to connect harmful  

**Упр.2.5.6. Прочитайте следующие предложения, найдите слова с префиксами и объясните значение префиксов.

a. Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.

b. If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.

c. The multiplexor was not working because someone had disconnected it by mistake.

d. Improper installation of the antiglare shield will make it impossible to read what is on the screen.

e. After you transfer text using the “cut and paste” feature, you may have to reformat the text you have inserted.

f. You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual.

g. Peripheral devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as printers).

h. Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of June and you will receive a biannual bonus.

i. The octal and hexadecimal systems are number systems used as a form of shorthand in reading groups of four binary digits.