Литература на иностранных языках


 1. Burby William E. Handbook of the Law of real property Third edition. St. Paul, Winn. West Publishing Co. 1965.

 2. Webster James A. Webster's Real estate Law in North Carolina. Charlottesville. Virginia. 1981.

 3. Bengel M. Simmerding FGrudbuch, Grundstuck, Grenze Hadbuch zur Grundbuchordnung unter Berucksichtigung katasterrechtlicher Fragen 5 erv. Aufl.Neurwied Kriftel - Berlin, Luchterhand. 2000.

 4. Wilkie V. Land Law and Tenant Law. London. 2000.

 5. Kratovil R. Real Estate Law. 1994. Washington

 6. Allison R.J Business Law. The Dryden Press. 1999.

 7. Marty G. Droit Civil. Paris. 1987.

 8. Giorgio De Biasio. Introduzioni ai codici di diritto privato svizzero. Giappichelle Editore. Torino. 1999.


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